
Zernike Institute Advent Calendar (2021)

In the Zernike Institute Advent Calendar, we are presenting 24 short spotlights in December. In these specials, we highlight PhD students, postdocs, and technicians of our research groups - providing a glimpse into their typical day at work. In Episode 3 meet Dr. Lyes Khacef.

Best PhD thesis award from EDSTIC (2021) at Université Côte d'Azur

Lyes Khacef has received the first thesis prize from the STIC doctoral school in Université Côte d’Azur. The thesis discusses the modeled self-organizing artificial neural networks thanks to a mechanism of structural plasticity to create or cut connections, as well as a mechanism of synaptic plasticity which allows to modify the strength of these connections.

80 ans du CNRS (2019): Les métiers de la science

Le travail de Lyes a pour but d'explorer de nouvelles méthodes d'IA bio-inspirée. Il s'inspire du fonctionnement du cerveau humain, et plus précisément de la plasticité corticale,  l'une de ses principales caractéristiques qui nous permet d'apprendre et de nous adapter.

La Semaine du Cerveau (2018): Nice-Matin